If you apply for a credit card that offers a balance transfer, the issuer will set the maximum amount you can transfer. You won’t be able to exceed the credit limit on your new card, and you should be careful not to transfer more than you can pay off during the introductory period....
3. Pay off your balance Once your balance has been moved to a new credit card, you'll start paying it down according to the terms on the new card. For example, if the card offers an introductory 0% APR on balance transfers, you'll be able to make interest-free payments during the ...
If you want more time to pay off debt, the Citi Simplicity® Card offers a 0% APR for the first 21 months on balance transfers from the date of the first transfer and 0% APR for 12 months on purchases from the date of account opening (after, 18.24% - 28.99% variable APR; see ra...
Frequently the low-rate offers will be connected to a transfer of balances from another account. The phenomenon of introductory rates and balance switching has become very important in this industry, and it has been estimated that around 5 billion direct solicitations go out annually, almost 4 ...
Start your balance transfer Sign in above Choose from your Chase cards to see if you have eligible balance transfer offers. Enter amount Select an offer, then enter the amount and the credit card to transfer from. Complete transfer Accept the Terms and Conditions. Most transfers are processed...
Some balance transfer cards come with additional benefits that you may be able to use. For example, theCiti Double Cash® Cardoffers 2%cash back: 1% on all eligible purchases and an additional 1% after youpay your credit card bill(seerates and fees). However, you won't earn cash back ...
Credit card balance transfers are easy to execute and can save you a ton of money. Browse the latest offers and learn how a balance transfer works.
Benefit from personalised offers with Sparks Balance Transfer Calculator Ready to apply? Use our online application to apply now Start my application How docredit cardswork? Understand the fundamentals of credit cards and how they can benefit you. ...
You can also consider applying for a high-limit credit card for your balance transfer, but remember that many of the best high-limit credit cards don’t have intro APR offers. Ideally, you’ll find a credit card with a high limit that also offers 0 percent APR on balance transfers for ...
options are to pass on the offer and look for one with clearer terms; take the 0% balance transfer offer, but don't use the card for any purchases until the balance transfer is paid off; or choose a credit card that offers a 0% introductory APR for the same number of months on both...