2018年2月,谷歌宣布整合Android Pay和Google Wallet,Android Pay与Google Wallet正式合体为“Google Pay”。至此谷歌旗下所有的支付工具都被整合到了Google Pay服务中,这也被外界看作是谷歌在移动支付领域正式与苹果Apple Pay抗衡的关键点。 此次谷歌推出Google Card似乎也是向苹果Apple Card的宣战,但显然除了支付,...
Google Pay is a trademark of Google Inc. Google Pay works with NFC capable Android™ devices running Android Lollipop 5.0 or higher. Terms and Conditions for Use of Mobile Card for Google Pay Google Pay FAQ Reminder: To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay! Quick Link...
在更早的2013年,谷歌实际上就推出过Google Wallet借记卡,作为其旧支付应用Google Wallet的扩展,可以在线下商户进行消费并管理钱包余额。随着Android Pay的推出,2016年谷歌关闭了该卡。 2018年2月,谷歌宣布整合Android Pay和Google Wallet,Android Pay与Google Wallet正式合体为“Google Pay”。至此谷歌旗下所有的支付工具...
Using the latest contactless technology, Google Pay is a simple way to make everyday payments with your mobile device.
Using the latest contactless technology, Google Pay is a simple way to make everyday payments with your mobile device.
在用户办理Google Card之后,它会成为Google Pay账户中的默认支付账户,并且支持转账、储值等操作。用户办理之后将会获得一个卡号和实体卡,实体卡和手机均可以用于支付。和Apple Card不一样的是,谷歌的实体卡上将不会印刷卡号,因此即使遗失也可保证账户内资金安全。
If this Google Pay card is network tokenized, its BIN may differ from the BIN of the underlying source card. createdAtDateTime The date/time the object was created. Returned in UTC. customerIdstring A string value representing an existing customer in your Vault that owns this payment method. ...
2018年2月,谷歌宣布整合Android Pay和Google Wallet,Android Pay与Google Wallet正式合体为“Google Pay”。至此谷歌旗下所有的支付工具都被整合到了Google Pay服务中,这也被外界看作是谷歌在移动支付领域正式与苹果Apple Pay抗衡的关键点。 此次谷歌推出Google Card似乎也是向苹果Apple Card的宣战,但显然除了支付,谷歌...
Google在提供自己的卡方面相对较晚。苹果公司于8月份推出了Apple Card,提供由高盛(Goldman Sachs)支持的设计精美的钛金Mastercard信用卡。它收取最低的客户费用,并随附可通过Apple Pay使用的虚拟卡,并产生利息。不过,苹果确实向商家收取了交换费,谷歌可以类似地收取以赚取收入。上个月,Apple 更改了Card的隐私设置...
Pay your way with Android Pay Learn how Android Pay works, with the convenience of Visa now in the palm of your hand even if your wallet isn't. Learn more.