determining when the remaining deck is player-favorable. When the deck is “rich” in tens and aces, the card counter places correspondingly larger wagers. When the deck instead has more small cards such as twos through sixes, the card counter will bet as little as possible or leave the ...
Whenever the party is about to embark on a big adventure, the GM should ask lots of probing questions about what the players want to accomplish, and what’s their ideal situation; next, break down this ideal scenario into smaller items This will give you several dials you can play with, ...
Let’s talk about your business card—that tiny but mighty piece of paper that’s often someone’s first impression of your brand. […] Read More How to create a brand style guide As your small business grows bigger, so do the opportunities for people to discover you for the first time...
The red piece of construction paper on which Judith had recorded Claude's bet with Dick still lay on the counter under the window. pages: 290 words: 98,699 Wealth Without a Job: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Freedom and Security Beyond the 9 to 5 Lifestyle by Phil Laut, Andy Fuehl ...