Understandably, a lot can change in that amount of time. While the band will provide more details on the background of the EP as time goes on, suffice to sayCarcosais conceptually darker, musically heavier, and ultimately more immersive. An accompanying short story provide another lens on some...
The Band of the Crow: First Look Starting at $6 $20 USD (70% off) $2,895 raised 579% funded Comics Vandalia Starting at $15 $20 USD (25% off) $755 raised 5% funded Music MOTHER WOUND: Film Finishing Fundrasier contribute what you want £1,420 raised 38% fun...
Band photos by Julez Wiedenhöfer / Julez Media-Design. To be released on May 15th, 2015 on CoMa Tone Records / A Division Of SiLVERDUST Records.<Inhabitants of Carcosa> - 歌曲列表 全部播放播放 全选 01Hackneyed - The Flaw Of Flesh 02Hackneyed - God's Own Creation 03Hackneyed - Now...
2014. Mixed by Nikita Kamprad. Mastered by Dan Swanö / Unisound.se. Art direction, design & illustrations by Björn Goosses / Killustrations. Band photos by Julez Wiedenhöfer / Julez Media-Design. To be released on May 15th, 2015 on CoMa Tone Records / A Division Of SiLVERDUST ...