62.249 NOVEDADES Siempre hemos pensado que había una clara diferen- cia entre precáncer-carcinoma invasor y carcinoma in situ-cáncer invasor, pero no siempre resulta fácil esta- ¿Son las queratosis blecer si una lesión es un precáncer o un carcinoma in situ, lo que sin duda ha ...
We report on eleven cases of in situ or microinvasive bronchial carcinomas removed between 1977 and 1984. The diagnosis was always established by cytology of the secretions obtained by bronchial lavage and aspiration. Thorax x-ray study was negative in all patients, except one who showed a ...
Purpose of Review Standard treatment for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is similar to that of invasive carcinoma. However, there is significant controversy regarding the true clinical implications of DCIS, and thus, the best management strategy. The aim of this review is to highlight relevant ...
the drug whose schedule is modified has been fluorouracil, which may be given either in a bolus or as a continuous infusion. Based on the rationale that fluorouracil is a cell cycle-specific drug with a short half-life, it should be more effective if given as an...
Hwang E, Samili B, Tran K, et al: Volume of resection in patients treated with breast conservation for ductal carcinoma in situ. Arch Pathol Lab Med 5:757-763, 1998Hwang ES, Samli B, Tran KN, Rosen PP, Borgen PI, Van Zee KJ. Volume of resection in patients treated with breast ...
The findings entail the need for a future investigation to dissect the changes in lncRNAs and circRNA landscape during various stages of cSCC progression including precancerous lesions, cSCC in situ and different grades of cSCC. The present study identifies previously uncharacterized lncRNAs and ...
et al. Evidence of ED-B þ fibronectin synthesis in human tissues by non-radioactive RNA in situ hybridization. Investigations on carcinoma (oral squamous cell and breast carcinoma), chronic inflammation (rheumatoid synovitis) and fibromatosis (Morbus Dupuytren). Histochem. Cell Biol. 109, 249–...
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is the second most common non-melanoma skin cancer. A majority of patients present with localized disease, but some can present with locally advanced or metastatic disease. Most of these advanced cases occur in the anatomical head and neck region and are ...
Cytotoxicity of isorhynchophylline (Rhy) on various cell lines: (A) Structure of Rhy; and V(UBa8)l7uF(U4HMBe8i8ges)G7hpuHrM.,erGeeVTpG2p9ra1,,Ge8l.AuTsG2Cee95,,nsy8A4LtGtr9o5Net,,4htpoB1L9erx8x,Nemi,BPsc1aexiCe8ntnPya,-dtC3naot,In-h±fM3Cde,ias-CSImPokMDarHiek-h-a1...
Immunohistochemically,86%ofCISandEMICand 9】%ofinvasivecarcinomaexpressedp53protein,andthepositivitiesforKi67inthemwererespectively29% and27%.whichwereverysignificantlydifferentfromthoseofpolypsofthevocalcord(P<0.001).Incon— trast,expressionofBcl-Xweredecreasingfrombenigntomalignantlesions,anditwaslowestinthe...