A series of 87 cases of carcinoma in situ of the breast was reviewed. In 49 cases in which lobular carcinoma in situ was shown on biopsy, three patients were found to have inyasive carcinoma in the subsequently done mastectomy. All three of these cases were in a group of 14 patients ...
Ductal carcinoma in situ is a proliferation of malignant epithelial cells within the ductolobular system of the breast that show no light microscopic evidence of invasion through the basement membrane into the surrounding stroma (fig 1). Several forms of histological architecture are recognised, the ...
ImportanceDuctal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast represents a disease process that continues to increase in incidence with treatment paradigms that continue to evolve. Greater access to long-term data from large observational studies addressing the natural history of the disease has contributed ...
1)Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast乳腺导管原位癌 英文短句/例句 1.Expression of Tenascin-C in ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast and its clinical significanceTenascin-C在乳腺导管原位癌的表达及其意义 2.Correlative Research between C-erbB-2, Ki-67 Expression and Pathologic Features of B...
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ of the BreastIntroduction: Screening mammography has led to a marked increase in detection ofLauren S. SparberVijayashree MurthyRonald S. Chamberlain
A 47-year-old woman with ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast doi:10.1001/jama.1996.03530430021021BREAST cancer surgeryBREAST cancerBREAST tumorsMASTECTOMYRADIOTHERAPYLUMPECTOMYCARCINOMA in situDUCTAL carcinomaJAMA: Journal of the American Medical AssociationBlank, K...
摘要: This article elucidates the clinical and pathological features of both ductal and lobular in-situ breast carcinoma. It quantifies the risk of invasive disease developing and outlines different treatment options with results as presently known....
Ductal carcinoma in situ is a proliferation of malignant epithelial cells within the ductolobular system of the breast that show no light microscopic evidence of invasion through the basement membrane into the surrounding stroma (fig 1). Several forms of histological architecture are recognised, the ...
Mammography has led to earlier detection of subclinical ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) of the breast either as nonpalpable calcifications or as an incidental finding in a biopsy performed for another reason. Many women in whom DCIS was detected early may not be destined to have an invasive ...
Ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast: is breast conserving treatment feasible? doi:10.1007/BF02966972Breast Cancer (13406868)Yamakawa, TakashiShinotoh, MitsuakiTaniki, ToshikatsuYasuta, OsamuHamagaki, MasashiKondoh, KanYamamoto, AkiyoshiNumoto, SatoshiItoh, SueyoshiSasa, MitsunoriMorimot...