Carcassonne is a tile placement game in which the players draw and place a tile with a piece of southern French landscape represented on it. The tile might feature a city, a road, a cloister, grassland or some combination thereof, and it must be placed adjacent to tiles that have already...
Carcassonne is a game by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede. It has spawned a variety of additional games and expansions.These games and expansions are listed here and have been discussed on various geeklists (see below).Table of Contents Carcassonne Basic Game Large Expansions Small Expansions Rio Grande ...
Carcassonne (Braille edition)[Board Game Version Link] Carcassonne Combo Kit This Kit does not require the retail version of the game to play. This accessibility kit contains full 3d printed replacement tiles and pieces - description by the publisher [What Links Here]...
[Board Game Link] In Carcassonne: Mage & Witch, a small expansion for Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles bearing a mage symbol are mixed with the other tiles at the start of the game.Whenever a player draws one of these tiles, they play it following the standard placement rules. Then they...
Carcassonne: Medina Azahara[Board Game Link] Special tile printed for the Carcassonne World Record Córdoba 2024. It shows the ruins of Medina Azahara, the splendorous califal city near Córdoba in times of Al-Andalus. ¡Nos jugamos!
Carcassonne: Amazonas[Board Game Link] InCarcassonne: Amazonas, players sail their boats to the Amazon to discover abundant wildlife. Players score points not only for discovering animals, but also for visiting native villages and water courses while their boat moves forward on the Amazon. Amazon ...
InCarcassonne: Gold Rush, players return to the 19th century in the United States when cowboys drove cattle, trappers traded with Native Americans, the first railway routes appeared, and explorers — that is, the players — sent their henchmen to gold mines to laboriously search for gold nuggets...
Carcassonne: Halb so wildis a mini-expansion consisting of 24 triangular landscape tiles that are half the size of a normalCarcassonnetile. Each player receives 2 triangular tiles during setup, & can place them during their turns instead of drawing & placing a normal tile. ...
Carcassonne: Die Erweiterung(later prints used the titleInns & Cathedrals) is the first major expansion forCarcassonneand introduces a few new aspects to the game. There are a couple of completely new kinds of tiles: the inns and cathedrals. There are also new tiles that present cities, roads... Installation: 1) Download figstate.p: 2) Unzip and add figstate.p to the carcassonne/bin folder: 3) run! >> carcassonne This game ...