Where things go a bit off the rails is the weekly Sunday cheat day, during which I allow myself to eat whatever decidedly non-paleo foods I feel like, provided that I get a good whack of protein and I don’t go over 3000 calories for the day. Based on every calorie calculator I ca...
MD, physician and nutrition expert, “Americans consume six-to-ten times as much protein as they need.” The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that men and women obtain 5% of their calories as protein, calculated as roughly 0.5 grams of protein ...
We’re providing the handy table below so you can see how to individualize your carb intake using EFS & EFS-PRO powder amounts to match the gCHO per hour for 150lb (70kg) persons used in the Costa study for gut training for 90 gCHO/h over 2 hours. We are also showing the original ...
The trick is choosing the good over the bad. All that being said, limiting your carbs is a good way to lose some excess weight as long as you balance your intake for good health so that you get what you need without going overboard and hindering your weight loss goals. Here’s how ...
The minimum recommended intake for fiber is 25 grams per day.The optimal amount is around 35 grams/day for women and 48 grams/day for men, although this can vary. Amount isn’t the only important thing: Consider quality If your diet consists mostly of simple sugars and processed or refined...
Second, the HDL-cholesterol went up by almost 20 percent and the triglycerides dropped by over 40 percent on the low-carb diet. These same values changed but slightly in those on the low-fat diet. In my opinion (and the opinion of many others) the lipid parameters of most value in dete...
2. Mashed Bananas for Oil or Butter This big calorie-saver is a one-for-one swap that you can use in most baked goods. Take ripe (or even overripe) bananas and mash and use them in place of butter or oil. One cup of butter has a whopping 1,628 calories and 116 grams of saturat...
So if you're over-skimping—for many, that's under 100 grams per day—you may get sick more often. Unrefined carbs like sweet potatoes can help keep you healthy and on track. This article originally appeared in the June 2017 issue of Women's Health. For more great advice, pick up a...
How much pasta should I eat a day? For a meal, I typically advise my weight loss clients to keep their portion of cooked pasta to1 to 1.5 cups (women) and 1.5 to 2 cups (men). The serving size of pasta on nutrition labels is given as a dry weight, so it can be hard to know...
oversimplifies healthy living: obsession over calorie counting can be self-defeating, especially when you consider that many dieters have the impulse to go too far under the minimum, which actually hurts the potential for weight management. Yes, you want to avoid eating an entire day’s ...