Crackers with less than 200 milligrams of sodium per carb serving Low-carbor whole-wheat crackers 6. Fruit One small piece = 15g Fruitsare a good choice for health in general. However, because some fruits contain natural sugars, they can increase your carb intake.4If you have diabetes, try...
Let’s be honest. You’re probablywellaware that sugar and those starchy carbs we all love to eat (bread, pasta, crackers, potatoes, cereal) are not exactly health foods. But you eat them anyway, at leastsometimes, because they’re just too hard to resist. And it’s true … they are...
Refined carbohydrates, also known as ‘simple’ carbs, refer to sugars (e.g. glucose, fructose, sucrose) or anything made from grains that have had the fibrous wheatgerm and bran removed from them.2 Grains that have been refined, are so refined, that all of their goodness; all of the v...
½ oz. whole-wheat pretzels or crackers Legumes ½ cup cooked or low-sodium canned lentils, split or black-eyed peas, or garbanzo, black, pinto, fat-free refried, northern, or other beans 1 cup chili Fruit 1 cup cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, or raspberries ...
9am. can of tuna with 7 whole wheat crackers noon 6-8 oz of lean protein with 15 grams of wheat rice/pasta or hummus 3pm 2oz hummus with 7 wheat crackers 6pm same as noon. 9 more hummus. It seems like a good regiment but I am taking in alot of carbs. 70-100 or so. ...
Foods high in refined carbohydrate and added sugars (not meant to be a complete list) All desserts except whole fruit Ice cream, sherbet, frozen yogurt, etc. Most breads Many crackers (100% stone-ground whole grain crackers are less refined) Cookies Cakes Muffins Pancakes Waffles Pies Pastries...
Whole wheat bread Whole wheat pasta Sugary drinks, foods made with white flour, and most sweets are common examples of simple carbohydrates. Crackers and cookies often fall into that category as well. Simple carbs aren’t always unhealthy and don’t always have to be avoided. However, limiting...
1) Store-bought whole wheat bread 2) Quaker quick oats 3) Whole wheat pasta 4) Whole grain crackers 5) Brown rice In addition to these five staples, I also found that people regularly included white and sweet potatoes, “whole grain” breakfast cereals, and “whole grain” chips in their...
t. The most obvious ones to cut from your diet are bread, pasta, potatoes and anything starchy. Cakes, cookies, crackers, cereal and anything else with lots of sugar, flour or wheat are sure to be low in protein and high in carbohydrates. These items should be eliminated — or consumed...
Snack foods, includingchips, crackers andpretzels Instant noodles Processed and packaged foods: Manyprocessed foods, such as frozen meals and canned soups, can contain refined carbs and added sugars. Healthy Alternatives The healthiest carbohydrates to eat are those that are unprocessed or minimally pro...