Process for the preparation of carboxylic acid esters of hydroxy sulfonates A process for the preparation of carboxylic acid esters of hydroxy sulfonates, characterized in that an olefinically unsaturated compound is carbonylated with carbon monoxide in the presence of an aromatic hydrocarbon reaction med...
Remove-efromalkane(oralkene)name,add-oicacid.Thecarbonofthecarboxylgroupis#1.ClOCH3CH2CHCOH PhCHC HCOOH 2-chlorobutanoicacidtrans-3-phenyl-2-propenoicacid(cinnamicacid)=> Chapter144 NamingCyclicAcids Cycloalkanesbondedto-COOHarenamedascycloalkanecarboxylicacids.justbyaddingcarboxylicacidtothe...
with MnO2 in petroleum ether, gives 4-methyl-4-(tetrahydro-pyranyloxy) - hexadiene - (2:5) - al - 1, which affords 1 - methoxycarbonyl - 1:5 - dimethyl-7-bromoheptatriene-(1:3:5) by reaction with (1-methoxycarbonylethylidene) - triphenyl phosphorane followed by hydrobromic acid. Example...
The reaction of the cluster substituted carboxylic acid [(CO)9Co3(μ3-CCO2H)] with Cd (CH3CO2)2 · H2O in the presence of tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether(TGM) afforded the binuclear complex [Cd2∗(CO)9Co3(μ3-CCO2)∗4(TGM)]. The solid state structure shows that the cluster...
CHAPTER 11 CARBOXYLIC ACID Chapter11CarboxylicAcidandSubstitutedCarboxylicAcid CarboxylGroup:R-COOH (H3C)2HCH2CCH3CHCOOH 布洛芬抗炎镇痛药 COOHOCOCH3 阿司匹林解热镇痛药 I、ClassificationandNomenclature Classification 结构AliphaticSaturatedAromaticUnsaturated 数目:一、二元(mono/dicarboxylicacid)、多元(poly-)取代...
Compound 5 (I have attached it in the attachments) can be prepared either by reacting an organometallic reagent with an aromatic nitrile, or by reacting a different organometallic reagent with an aromatic carboxylic acid (assume appropriate work up.) ...