产品名称:羧酸盐(Carboxylate)官能基团载玻片,羧基功能化载玻片 英文名称:Carboxylic acid functional glass slides 羧酸盐官能基团(Carboxylate functional group)可以通过一系列化学反应和修饰过程,在玻片表面上进行载体化。这种功能化的玻片可以用于各种应用,如蛋白质吸附、细胞培养和生物分子固定等。 以下是一种常见的方法...
产品名称:羧基功能化载玻片,生物芯片表面修饰羧基(carboxylic acid) 英文名称:Slides glass, carboxylic acid functional 羧基功能化载玻片是在载玻片表面引入羧基官能团的一种化学修饰方法。羧基(carboxyl group)是由一个碳原子与一个羟基(hydroxyl group)和一个羰基(carbonyl group)连接而成的官能团(functional group)。...
carboxylic acid (redirected fromCarboxylic functional group) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Carboxylic functional group:monocarboxylic acid car·box·yl·ic acid (kär′bŏk-sĭl′ĭk) n. An organic acid that contains one or more carboxyl groups. ...
S. Carboxylic Acid Functional Group Containing Inorganic Core/Polymer Shell Hybrid Composite Particles Prepared by Two-Step Dispersion Polymerization. Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 2004, 245 (1e3), 29e34. b. Liu, G.; Yang, X.; Wang, Y. Silica/Poly(N,N0-methylenebisacrylamide) ...
The solubility of compounds containing the carboxyl functional group in water depends on the size of the compound. The smaller the compound (the shorter the R group), the higher the solubility. The boiling point of a carboxylic acid is generally higher than that of water. ...
-chlorobutyricacid -phenylcaproicacid Chapter143=> IUPACNames Remove-efromalkane(oralkene)name,add-oicacid.Thecarbonofthecarboxylgroupis#1.ClOCH3CH2CHCOH PhCHC HCOOH 2-chlorobutanoicacidtrans-3-phenyl-2-propenoicacid(cinnamicacid)=> Chapter144 NamingCyclicAcids Cycloalkanes...
17-2.CarboxylicAcidNaturalProducts Carboxylicacidsarewidespreadinnature,oftencombinedwithotherfunctionalgroups.Simplealkylcarboxylicacids,composedoffourtotencarbonatoms,areliquidsorlowmeltingsolidshavingveryunpleasantodors.Thefattyacidsareimportantcomponentsofthebiomoleculesknownaslipids,especiallyfatsandoils.Asshowninthe...
Calconcarboxylic acid, with the chemical formula C17H10O7 and CAS registry number 3737-95-9, is a compound known for its applications in analytical chemistry. This yellow powder, also referred to as Calcein carboxylic acid, is characterized by its carboxylic acid functional group. It is ...
Citric acid HOC(CH2CO2H)2 How is carboxylic acid formed? The two main methods of the formation of carboxylic acid are hydrolysis (cleavage with water) and oxidation. It can also be formed through the reaction of Grignard reagents with carbon dioxide. What is the COOH functional group? The ...
3-Morpholinecarboxylic acid, with the chemical formula C6H11NO3, has the CAS number 77873-76-8. It appears as a white solid with no distinct odor. The basic structure of 3-Morpholinecarboxylic acid consists of a morpholine ring attached to a carboxylic acid group. This compound is soluble ...