ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 10 The refined and redesigned ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 10 delivers an even better user experience while remaining thin, light, and one of the best 14-inch business laptops. On the outside, a new communications bar makes the lid easier to open and close, and houses ...
Biometrics provides extra security on the ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 10 laptop—from the power button integrated with the fingerprint reader that lets you log in and boot up instantaneously to the facial recognition software that works with the optional IR camera. Plus, Computer Vision-based ...
Meet the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 10 built on the Intel® Evo™ platform—redesigned for improved collaboration, extra security, and powerful performance.
我手上的这台ThinkPad X1 Carbon G10搭载了一颗Intel Core i5-1240P处理器,隶属于P28级别。实际测试...
TP X1 Carbon Gen10搭载一颗Intel12代i7-1280P处理器,称得上是最强移动端处理器,开机速度实测10s以内...
受限于机身厚度等因素,ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen10的性能释放仍然有一定约束。潜台词就是并不能完全释放P28处理器的性能,但是也能达到20W左右,相较于前几代还是有很大提升的。 刘海屏,还是不可避免的来了 新MacBook Pro 14/16上的刘海屏,可以说是备受吐槽,毕竟屏幕上那一大块像补丁的黑片看起来确实很难受。
▼接下來進入實機驗證階段,站長自費購入了X1 Carbon Gen10(ThinkPad三十周年紀念機)、T14s Gen3兩款(Intel與AMD平台各一台)與T14 Gen3(Intel平台)。所有受測主機都配備了32GB記憶體,如果是Intel平台,則統一使用Core i7 1260P處理器,AMD平台則是Ryzen 7 PRO 6850U。為了在電池續航力測試,以及應用程式類測試中...
商品名称:ThinkPadX1 Carbon Gen 10 商品编号:10041511127967 店铺:ThinkPad福建授权专卖店 屏幕比例:16:10 显卡:intel核显 硬盘容量:1TB 屏幕尺寸:14.0-14.9英寸 处理器(CPU):12代酷睿 内存容量:16GB 系统:Windows 11 带Office 颜色:黑色 更多参数>>
与前代一样,ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen10依旧采用双风扇单热管散热模组,官网显示其散热设计功耗为20W。不过,实际测试的数据往往会比设计功耗高一些,毕竟这一代从U15低压处理器转为P28准标压处理器。 我手上的这台X1 Carbon是i5-1240P的版本,算是系列产品的丐版了。它采用12核心16线程的大小核设计,锐炬Xe显卡的性能...