Baldock9, R. M. Connolly10, C. M. Duarte11, P. S. Lavery4,12, A. Steven13 & C. E. Lovelock14 Australia's tidal marshes have suffered significant losses but their recently recognised importance in CO2 sequestration is creating opportunities for their protection and...
Carbon dioxide has gradually found widespread usage in the field of science and engineering while various efforts have focused on ways to combat the menace
The first three papers use a dynamic programming approach to determine the optimal harvest decision for a forest stand in the boreal forest of western Canada that provides both timber harvest volume and carbon sequestration services. The last paper uses an analytical model to confirm the findings ...
The increases in soil C sequestration rates that we observed following restoration of highly diverse plant communities suggest that similar studies should be performed in other sites to determine if or how differences in climate, soil type, plant functional traits may influence soil C storage rates ...
However, the site-specific C-sequestration potential of soil loosening depends on the magnitude and depth of compacted soil layers. At sites with severely compacted soil layers starting already at 30 cm depth, loosening of soils could potentially accumulate up to 9 t ha− 1 additional organic...
In this case, the program is already providing subsidies larger than the carbon sequestration benefits, and the actual participation of only 344 acres between 2009 and 2013 is still very low. However, when using the pastureland rent, which is about half of the cropland rent, the conversion to...
2007). In Ohio, USA, sequestration rate of soil organic C was estimated to be 62 g C m−2 year−1 with conversion from conservation tillage to no-till for cultivated Alfisols, and the reforestation of cropland could increase 71 Tg C in 25 years (Tan and Lal 2005). The ...
Sun BW, Chen ZY, Chen X, Liu C: Attenuation of leukocytes sequestration by carbon monoxide-releasing molecules: liberated carbon monoxide in the liver of thermally injured mice. J Burn Care Res. 2007, 28 (1): 173-81. 10.1097/BCR.0b013E31802CA491. Article PubMed Google Scholar Sawle P...
et al. Evidence of limited carbon sequestration in soils under no-tillage systems in the Cerrado of Brazil. Sci. Rep. 6, 21450; doi: 10.1038/srep21450 (2016). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The images or other third party material in ...
The retention time of up to 25% of human CO2 emissions from the atmosphere2,3 strongly depends on the local export efficiency and sequestration depth. Photosynthetically fixed particulate organic carbon (POC) can increase retention times drastically due to gravitational sinking into deeper waters or ...