monoxide (一氧化碳); This is a 8. ___.___(harm) gas with no color or smell. Carbon monoxide is produced when fiuels(燃料) such as gas, oil, coal or wood do not burn 9. (full). It in bad for human health.Nowadays, many countries are 10._(try) to solve the environment...
英[ˌkɑ:bən mən'ɒksaɪd] na.一氧化碳 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 carbon-monoxide n. 1. 一氧化碳a poisonous gas formed when carbon burns partly but not completely. It is produced when petrol/gas is burnt in car engines. ...
Carbon monoxide is called the silent killer because people do not know it is in the air. The gas has no color. It has no taste. It has no smell. It does not cause burning eyes. And it does not causepeople to cough. But it is very deadly. It robs the body of its ability to ...
17 Carbon monoxide is a pollutant emitted from car exhausts.Which of its properties makes it harmful to humans? A It has no colour, taste or smell. B It has a corrosive action on lung tissues. C It forms a stable compound with blood. D It combined with oxygen in the lungs. 相关知识...
17 Carbon monoxide is a pollutant emitted from car exhausts.Which of its properties makes it harmful to humans? D A It has no colour, taste or smell. B It has a corrosive action on lung tissue. C It forms a stable compound with haemoglobin causing lack of oxygen. D It combines with ...
An older adult with health problems may s uffer the effects of carbon monoxide more quickly th an a younger person with no health problems. Peopl e with heart disease may suffer chest pains. T hey may begin to have trouble breathing. 讲述了不同的人 吸入一氧化碳后的不同反应,老人及身体...
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that has no smell or taste. Breathing it in can make you unwell, and it can kill if you're exposed to high levels.
Thousands are poisoned by carbon monoxide each year. But the use of CO detectors and alarms is largely optional. Dec 13, 2022 12 hospitalized after carbon monoxide leak inside South Side church People were gathered for the afternoon service when they noticed an unusual smell. Dec 4, 2022...
Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most dangerous gases that car accumulate in your home, especially in winter, and more Americans die from carbon monoxide poisoning in the cold months than at any other time of the year. Because CO is colorless without any smell and impossible to detect wi...
a gas present in the air, breathed out by man and other animals.dióxido de carbono carbon monoxide(məˈnoksaid) a colourless, very poisonous gas which has no smell.Carbon monoxide is given off by car engines.monóxido de carbono ...