STEP 1: Print out the carbon footprint worksheet. Pin STEP 2: Color and cut out the carbon footprint icons. Pin Pin STEP 3: Match each symbol to its location on the footprint and glue them in place. Pin STEP 5: Add other ideas for things you can do to reduce your carbon footpri...
To learn more about carbon footprints, check out the lesson called, Carbon Footprint Lesson for Kids: Definition & Facts. The lesson will help students: Name several causes of carbon footprints Learn how recycling can help make your carbon footprint smaller ...
footprintcarbon足迹carbonfootprintstudentworksheetcarbonemissions ACMP ©2006-2008 UAF Geophysical Institute B-1 Carbon Footprint Overview: Students calculate their carbon footprint and then determine how they can re- duce it. (NOTE: This lesson may require more than one class period.) Objectives:...
and the end-of-life recycling of those devices, but all of these factors were 2–5 orders of magnitude smaller than the training and per-query emissions. The embodied energy footprint of an A100 GPU is 150 kg CO2e12. The energy footprint for recycling...
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