Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Carbon Footprint als neuer Dienstleistung im Klimaschutz. Sie analysiert die Rolle des Carbon Footprint im Kontext des Klimawandels und untersucht seine potenziellen Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen, Investoren, Konsumenten und Gesetzgeber. Definition und Abgrenzung des...
7.2.14. Concrete carbon footprint of key CO₂ U companies 7.2.15. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials 7.2.16. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials (ii) 7.2.17. Key takeaways in CO₂ -derived building materials (iii) 7.3. CO₂ -derived chemicals and...
import prices, the potential for domestic sequestration of CO2, cross-border trade infrastructure, characterisation of electricity, hydrogen, biofuel and synthetic fuel production technologies, the definition of end-use technologies such as boilers, appliances...
The footprint of the EC tower was calculated according to [54]. 2.4. Processing the Half Hourly Data The initial processing of the half-hourly interval data produced by EddyPro was subjected to rigorous quality control procedures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the dataset. ...