This paper focuses on the comparison of tensile test of PLA and carbon fiber reinforced PLA materials from the same manufacturer. The main parameters that affect the mechanical properties of 3D prints can include: nozzle temperature, heating pad temperature, raster angle, fill percentage, printing ...
Method X Carbon Fiber是MakerBot推出的旗舰级3D打印机,后来由于MakerBot与Ultimaker的合并,该设备成为了新公司UltiMaker的一部分。这是一款全封闭式的专业3D打印机,配备了三个可互换的挤出机,支持打印碳纤维增强尼龙(PA12)、碳纤维增强ABS和不锈钢316L材料。 UltiMaker Method X Carbon Fiber采用了循环加热腔体和超刚性...
商品名称:定制适用3D打印耗材碳纤维PLA1.75mm导静电Carbon Fiber 3d打印机 PLA1.75碳纤维500克 商品编号:10104109340977 店铺:魅影工业品专营店 货号:408577 类别:其他 适用机型:其他 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您...
technology:multi-layer co-extrusion technology;Material:Carbon Fiber PLA;Color:multicolor;Diameter:1.75mm+-0.02;Certificate:SVHC/MSDS/CE;Elongation at break:4.6-5.3%;Printing temperature:190-210 ℃;Impact intensity (KJ/M,Izod2):1-3;Processing Service:Mou
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Product:Carbon fiber PLA filament;Diameter:1.75mm;Certificate:ROHS;Material:Carbon Polyurethane;Application:FDM 3D Printer;Color:can be customized;Type:filament for FDM printers;Net Weight:1 Kg/spool;key words:Carbon fiber 3D filament;Place of Origin:CN;
Our Light Gray carbon fiber filament combines milled carbon fibers and HTPLA for an exceptionally stable carbon fiber 3d printer PLA filament.
(2019) observed that the addition of high density polyethylene (HDPE), polylactic acid (PLA), and synthetic fiber all significantly decreased the mean size of water-stable soil aggregates irrespective of the presence of Lolium perenne. Similarly, the addition of polyacrylic fibers (0.05%, 0.10%,...
碳纤维,指的是含碳量在90%以上的高强度高模量纤维。耐高温居所有化纤之首。用腈纶和粘胶纤维做原料,经高温氧化碳化而成。是制造航天航空等高技术器材的优良材料。材料特性 碳纤维主要由碳元素组成,具有耐高温、抗摩擦、导热及耐腐蚀等特性 外形呈纤维状、柔软、可加工成各种织物,由于其石墨微晶结构沿纤维轴择优...