Carbon Equivalent carbonEquivalent float The carbon equivalent. Get clean hydro to carbon footprint Operation ID: CleanHydroToCarbonFootprint Return the CO2e in Kg from the consumption of clean hydro energy. Parameters 展開表格 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Energy energy True string The energy type...
carbonr is an R package designed to conveniently calculate carbon-equivalent emissions using data from the UK Government report (2023). Installation Install the development version from GitHub with: # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("IDEMSInternational/carbonr") Aims of carbonr...
The calculator uses emissions factors which take account of all greenhouse gases (i.e. CO2, N2O, methane etc.) released by the activities, with the results presented in units of metric tonnes of CO2equivalent (CO2e). In most cases that means the results will be slightly higher than if cal...
Composite greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (as kg CO2 equivalent) were calculated from components sourced from the Sustainable Healthcare Coalition's Care Pathway Calculator according to assumed clinical pathways and were applied to predicted incidence of hHF, UHFV and CV death events. Average length ...
NamePathTypeDescription Carbon Equivalent carbonEquivalent float The carbon equivalent.Get carbon footprint from public transitOperation ID: CarbonFootprintFromPublicTransit Return CO2e in Kg from the use of public transportation. Parameters Tabel uitvouwen NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Distance distance ...
According to the International Energy Agency, the global average energy-related carbon footprint is around 4.7 tonnes of CO2 per capita – the equivalent of driving an average SUV for 18 months. As such, reducing your carbon footprint is becoming increasingly imperative in the fight ...
For those plates and dishes with excess food residue, simply scrape them off into your food waste or equivalent and your dishwasher can deal with small amounts of residue. Make sure you wait until your dishwasher is full before putting it on and make use of any eco cycle options where you...
According to the “2022 China Building Energy Consumption and Carbon Emissions Research Report”, China’s total energy consumption related to buildings amounted to 2.27 billion tons of coal equivalent (tce) in 2020, representing 45.5% of the country’s total energy consumption; correspondingly, ...
Consequently, while the tools provide estimations of carbon footprint, specifically in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions for various sectors, their overarching purpose lies in fostering a deeper understanding and consciousness about the environmental consequences of one’s actions. This paper presents the...
Credits and offsets form two slightly different markets, although the basic unit traded is the same – the equivalent of one ton of carbon emissions, also known as CO2e. It’s worth noting that a ton of CO2does refer to a literal measurement of weight. Just how much CO2is in a ton?