Several studies have shown that very large amounts of zero-carbon-emitting energy resources ("carbon-less energy") must be deployed in the next few decades if humans are to grow in number and wealth, while avoiding a doubling of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere. This ...
along with irrigation water sources. Despite only 40% of irrigated agriculture being supplied by groundwater34, energy consumption from groundwater pumping constitutes 89% (1670 PJ per year) of total energy consumption (Fig.3a). Within this, 74...
From a theoretical standpoint, high economic growth requires more energy as a main input of the production of goods and services. However, the use of traditional energy sources (fossil fuel) to create energy contributes to environmental deterioration by emitting carbon dioxide (CO2) into the ...
We refer to the energy that would be required during a low-carbon energy transition as the “energy for the energy system” and the carbon that would be emitted as the “energy system emissions”. Energy for the energy system includes the energy required for the construction (including decommis...
As a byproduct of the way energy markets work, as demand for electricity goes down, ordinarily, the high-emitting fossil fuel sources of power are scaled back first, with renewables scaled back last. Reducing the amount of electricity consumed in your applications can decrease the carbon intensit...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) reduction, which is the central issue in addressing global warming, depends on the extent that clean energy can substitute for CO2 emitting coal and non-energy factors can substitute for energy factor. The purposes of this paper are to empirically investigate inter-factor/inte...
Under Paris Agreement, it is committed to limit global warming to 1.5 °C, which is the threshold for Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to provide carbon neutrality (Fawzy et al., 2020; Hoegh-Guldberg et al., 2019). Carbon neutrality means having a balance between emitting carbon and...
EnergyTransitionTaskForce Byinvitation,executivesfromsomeoftheworld’slargestandmostinfluentialindustrial,energy, andfinancialcompanieshavecometogethertoformtheEnergyTransitionTaskForce.This taskforceischargedwithdetermininghowcompaniesfromacrosstheenergyvaluechain, ...
The gap between what it costs to emit CO2and what it costs to implement CCS is closing as the cost of emitting CO2increases, hence improving the economic rationale for CCS. Our CCS ambitions and portfolio (brochure, Sept. 2023) (PDF) ...
Among them, China accounts for 1/3 of the total emissions and is still the world's largest carbon-emitting country. China still has a way to go before realizing the separation of carbon from energy. The Chinese government recommended in its report for 2022 encouraging the promotion of the ...