emissionsin2014[6]. Asthelargestdevelocountryandtopenergyuserintheworld(BP,2011),shouldbe activelyresponsibleinaddressingtherepercussionsofglobalclimatechange.However,toobtain morerationalandeffectiveclimatepoliciesforandtherestoftheworld,thefollowing questionsneedtobeanswered:Howmuchshouldbechargedforitsglobalcarbonemi...
A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced, either directly or indirectly, through daily activities. These greenhouse gases are usually measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide, orCO₂. A carbon footprint can be mea...
Emission Not Accomplished: The Future of Carbon Emissions in a Changing WorldBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksBepress Editor
Carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions(排放)must fallsharply to avoid acid damage to the world's marineecosystems, warn more than 150 scientists.Acidification(酸化)of seawater caused by carbondioxide is causing disastr on cora ecosystems and will haveahuge knock-on impact on human communities,they said on...
【Bluce学英语】【英语学习笔记】碳排放 carbon emissions ✸✸The world’s largest coal mining companies need to show how they will reduce their carbon emissions to meet global climate targets under the Paris accord,according toan investor-backed group led by the Church of England. ...
A newstudysaysthatnomatterhowmuchtheworldcutsbackoncarbonemissions,a largeandimportantpartofAntarcticaisexpectedtodisappear.ThestudyfocusedonthemeltingofprotectiveicearoundAntarctica'sAmundsenSeainwesternAntarctica.Theysaidthe "unavoidable" meltingwilltakehundredsofyears,resultingin a riseofnearly 1.8 metersinsealeve...
In terms of absolute emissions, the heavy hitters are immediately obvious. Large economies such as China, the United States, and India alone account for almost half the world’s emissions. Zoom out a little further, and it’s even clearer that just a handful of countries are responsible for...
The belief that carbon emissions (排放) caused by human activities are merely a drop in the bucket compared to greenhouse gases generated by volcanoes has been making its way around the rumor mill for years. And while it seems to be reasonable, the science just doesn't back it up. ...
https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/global-greenhouse-gas-emissions-data So, why does it matter if there’s more CO2 in the atmosphere? Don’t worry, we’re not going to go all “Bill Nye” on you. Long story short, CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases that absorbs radiation and prevents...
✸✸In addition, only seven out of the 20 largest listed coal mining companies reported the emissions from the downstream burning of their coal, so-called lifecycle carbon emissions. 1)in addition 英 [in əˈdiʃən] 美 [ɪn əˈdɪʃən] adv.另外;并且;除此之外...