碳移除技术(Carbon Dioxide Removal,CDR)是控制全球变暖不可或缺的技术之一,原因有三:(1)CDR可以抵消无法减少和避免的温室气体排放,以实现真正的碳中和;(2)可以减少地球自身由于全球变暖的自然反馈循环所产生的排放,如从融化的冻土中逃逸的甲烷等;(3)可以逆转历史累积的温室气体排放,真正减少环境中的温室气体总量。...
This paper provides an overview of the evolution of CO2 removal systems used during the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Shuttle, and International Space Station (ISS) programs, and discusses the lessons learned from the Carbon Dioxide Removal Assembly aboard ISS, which with over 15 years of ...
Carbon dioxide removal technologies, such as bioenergy with carbon capture and direct air capture, are valuable for stringent climate targets. Previous work has examined implications of carbon removal, primarily bioenergy-based technologies using integrated assessment models, but not investigated the effects...
As companies begin to scale solutions for carbon dioxide removal (CDR), they face four key questions to reduce greenhouse gas and neutralize residual emissions.
Discover Carbon Time's innovative solutions for eliminating carbon by improving the alkalinity of the oceans, a solution with a permanence of over 20,000 years.
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies may be needed to meet climate change targets. A full understanding of public attitudes towards such approaches is currently lacking. Here we report a mixed-methods study on public perceptions of CDR in the United
Carbon dioxide removal(CDR) technology and other climategeoengineeringtechniques purposefully alter environmental processes with the goal to counteract increases in atmospheric pCO2and global warming. Although many marine CDR techniques, such as marine alkalinity enhancement, will impact the functioning of the...
The application progress of the carbon dioxide removal technology in the airtight / semi-airtight compartment is summarized, along with those of various carbon dioxide removal technologies. The parameters of all scavengers are compared, such as the energy consumption, volume, secondary pollution and abs...
针对从大气中脱碳的研究数据不仅少,而且缺乏系统性。不过,随着 《二氧化碳去除现状》(The State of Carbon Dioxide Removal)这份具有里程碑意义的评估报告出炉,这一状况正在发生改变。 研究团队由牛津大学史密斯企业与环境学院(Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment)的史蒂芬·史密斯(Stephen Smith)牵头、20多名...
Climeworks is committed to transparency, integrity, and uncompromising quality in every step of your carbon dioxide removal journey. Why choose Climeworks Direct Air Capture in action We design, build, and operate cutting-edge Direct Air Capture and Storage plants, ensuring top-quality, efficient engi...