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modeling of the soil nitrogen cycle 土壤中氮循环模拟 carbon are 【机】 碳弧 相似单词 nitrogen n.[U] 1.氮 carbon n. 1.〈化〉碳 2.复写纸 cycle n. 1.循环,周期 2.自行车,摩托车 3.整套,整个系列(如机器的运转) v.[I] 1.骑自行[摩托]车,骑自行车 nitrogen burst 氮爆搅动 nitroge...
M. The carbonate-silicate geochemical cycle and its effect on atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 100 million years. Am. J. Sci. 283, 641–683 (1983). Article Google Scholar Anderson, S. P. Breaking it down: mechanical processes in the weathering engine. Elements 15, 247–252 (...
* Describe the short term cycling of carbon through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. * Identify carbon sinks and carbon sources.* Describe short term and long term storage of carbon.* Describe how human actions interfere with the natural carbon cycle.*...
Century-scale nitrogen and phosphorus controls of the carbon cycle. Chem. Geol. 190, 13–32 (2002). Article CAS Google Scholar Lacroix, F., Ilyina, T., Mathis, M., Laruelle, G. G. & Regnier, P. Historical increases in land-derived nutrient inputs may alleviate effects of a ...
Lecture 5: Modeling Carbon Cycle I. Model OverviewWhat is a modelWhy do we need the modelThe roles of models II. Introdu
carbonnitrogen cycle 碳氮循环,碳循环,氮循环 cycle on phr. 轮回速率 cycle by cycle device 逐周装置 energy cycle 能量循环,能量变化周期,生物钟 run in cycle 周期性出现,周而复始,往复无穷 anovulatory cycle 无排卵周期 closed cycle 封闭式循环,闭式循环,回合循环 absorption cycle 吸收循环 cal...
1)Carbon and nitrogen cycle碳氮循环英文短句/例句 1.Preliminary Studies on C and N Cycle of Four Asteraceae Plants and Soil4种菊科植物与土壤间碳氮循环的初步研究 2.Advances in Researches on Biogeochemical Circulation of C,N and P in Wetlands湿地碳氮磷的生物地球化学循环研究进展 ...
Growing season extension and its impact on terrestrial carbon cycle in the Northern Hemisphere over the past 2 decades. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 21, GB3018 (2007). Article Google Scholar Chen, C. et al. China and India lead in greening of the world through land-use management. Nat. ...
nitrogen, and oxygen atoms undergo successive reactions with hydrogen nuclei or decay by emitting positrons and neutrinos or gamma rays, with each completion of the cycle converting four hydrogen nuclei into one helium nucleus and leaving the number of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms unchanged. ...