Given the escalating issue of global climate change, it is imperative to comprehend and quantify the effects of land use change on carbon storage (CS), which pertains not only to the preservation of ecosystem functions but also directly influences the eq
The unique geochemical conditions in mangrove soils cause Fe to cycle constantly between different prevailing Fe solid phases, i.e., Fe oxides and pyrite22 As a result, iron-mediated organominieral interactions (FeOMIs) in these soils form through a different dynamic compared to other waterlogged...
4). Initially, an emergy flow system diagram of the entire construction industry chain is constructed. Then, the IOM is integrated with the CEF method to develop an emergy-based IOM-CEF model. The direct-CEs for the entire life cycle of buildings are assessed using the CEF method, while ...
Land use change, a key factor influencing the carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems, significantly affects the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of CS by altering the function and structure of ecosystems. In recent years, the carbon emission effects induced by land use changes have become ...
Carbon neutrality has been proposed as a solution for the current severe energy and climate crisis caused by the overuse of fossil fuels, and machine learning (ML) has exhibited excellent performance in accelerating related research owing to its powerful capacity for big data processing. This review...
Metabolic pathways inferred from the genomes revealed conserved central carbon metabolic pathways, including complete pathways for glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate pathway, and the incomplete horseshoe-type tricarboxylic cycle, which is used to generate anabolic intermediates (Fig. 2; Table S6)...
Constructing potential anodes for sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) with a wide temperature property has captured enormous interests in recent years. Fe1−xS, a zero-band gap material confirmed by density states calculation, is an ideal electrode for fast energy storage on account of its low cost and...
(Color online) Schematic diagram of frequency response of CNT CMOS with different level of parasitic capacitance. 管材料主要有3类: 单根半导体碳管、高密度半导体碳管平行阵列和随机网络型碳纳米管薄膜. 平行阵列型碳纳米管, 生长方法一般采用石英基底, 由于石英基底特殊的晶格结构, 通过化学气相沉积法(Chemica...
The AISM method is the opposite, i.e., it starts from the lower level (Ni and Huang, 2020). The calculation steps are shown in Fig. 2. Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of the AISM construction process. From original matrix to pareto-optimal set. Full size image D is a decision evaluation ...
Global climate changes, especially the rise of global mean temperature due to the increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, can, in turn, result in higher anthropogenic and biogenic greenhouse gas emissions. This potentially leads to a positive loop