Additional research is needed to determine bamboo biomass, vegetation and soil carbon capture and storage through incorporating improved methodological protocols to enable precise estimation of bamboo ecosystem carbon storage and sequestration rate. Acknowledgements Senior author greatly acknowledges the research ...
Carbon capture and storageMineral carbonationGreenhouse gasesCarbon dioxidepH swingCarbonation efficiencyReview: 15 refs.doi:10.1002/chin.201534314Azdarpour, AminFac. Petrol. Renewable Energy Eng., Univ. Teknol. Malaysia, 81310 Johor, MalayAsadullah, Mohammad...
growth enhancement by extracellular cell signalling mechanisms, and exploitation of genetically engineered strain towards the commercialization of PMFC are highlighted. Thus, the present review intends to guide the budding researchers in developing more cost-effective and sustainable PMFCs, which could lead...
Carbon dioxide capture and storage is the key to continual development. CO 2 capture through hydrate technology is a promising solution among several methods. The current work has attempted to store carbon dioxide in the hydrate form at a large-scale 25 L reactor. The hydrate is formed in ...
However, another important strategy is to increase carbon sequestration, and this will be vital to the eventual removal of excess atmospheric CO2 in order to restore pre-industrial levels and hence reduce the risks of further climate change. Numerous non-biological carbon capture/storage processes ...
A second literature search (using MEDLINE) was conducted to capture any papers investigating the physiological responses of animals and humans exposed to CO2. To be included in the review, the identified papers had to (a) be human or animal laboratory studies examining the potential health effects...