There is a great amount of scientific research on the medicinal properties of the Taraxacum genus due to the presence of various bioactive compounds present in its tissues and organs [1,2,3]. However, its germination process has been usually studied concerning the natural colonization in meadows ...
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Measurement and Application of Field Heterogeneity for Effective Energy Use and Waste Treatment)Download keyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Gaseous sulfur compounds are emitted from many facilities, such as wastewater facilities or ...
Versions Notes Abstract In this work, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is used to examine the implications of CO2 capture from a natural gas combined cycle power plant with post-combustion carbon capture (NGCC-CCS) in Iraq, taking into account two different design scenarios. In the ...
The use value of black earths varies depending on the thickness of the humic horizon and its physical and chemical properties. The soils of Poland are not particularly rich in humus, although black earths are usually rich in colloidal material and calcium carbonate, which stabilizes processes that...
This has indirect impacts on the biomass and composition of the microbial community [19]. Moreover, plant biomass production is enhanced by carbon resources [20]. Additionally, the climate may change the activity of soil microbes, which could affect SOC humification and modify its chemical ...
However, this strategy leads to a non-uniform formation of graphene and partial damages in structure [33]. Therefore, different carbon compounds that are easy to fabricate, more stable, water soluble and conductive are of critical need. Instead of using pre-synthesized V2O5 or directly mixed ...
Review Reports Versions Notes Abstract The trend of aging is intensifying and has become a prominent population phenomenon worldwide. The aging population has an important impact on carbon emissions, but at present, there is little research on its ecological consequences, especially the relationship wit...
With the world’s attention and concern focused on global warming and its consequences, studying the effect of renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions will be a timely exercise in the case of an oil-rich country, Azerbaijan. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to investigate the relations...
Therefore, the addition of 500 mg/L CNT into petroleum diesel fuel reduced the BSFC by 0.3% in the full load condition (Ne = 36.8 kW), which is comparable with the accuracy of its determination, and by 1.8% at Ne = 23.2 kW and 2.3% at Ne = 12.3 kW (Figure 6a). This effect ...
Versions Notes Abstract Despite its relatively low environmental impact within the livestock sector, the poultry sector still faces its own environmental challenges that need to be addressed. The present paper uses life cycle assessment to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, from cradle to slaughterhouse ...