Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Fats Macronutrients are nutrients that the body needs on a large scale, typically measured in grams. These are the nutrients used as building blocks and for energy. Metabolism refers to how the body breaks down nutrients into energy. The macronutrients used by the ...
Theoretically, you can survive without consuming any carbohydrates, because they can be produced in your body from fats and proteins [6]. Population studies in Alaska and Greenland have revealed no apparent detrimental effects of a lifelong very low carbohydrate diets on health or longevity [6]....
Calories Tracker is a web app, built with ReactJS for the frontend, Ruby on Rails for the backend. The idea of this app is that the user can submit how many Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fats he had in his day, and the app will calculate the amount of Calo
Macromolecules Large molecules 4 major macromolecules found in the body Lipids Carbohydrates Nucleic Acids Amino Acids Made mostly of carbon (also oxygen, hydrogen) Lipids AKA fats Examples Oils Waxes Plaque Lipids are hydrophobic Hydro- = water -phobic = fear of Water and lipids don’t like to ...
Any of a group of organic compounds, including the fats, oils, waxes, sterols, and triglycerides, that are insoluble in water but soluble in nonpolar organic solvents, are oily to the touch, and together with carbohydrates and proteins constitute the principal structural material of living cells....
Carbohydrates “Carbs” Objective: B2 - Compare the structures & functions of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, & nucleic acids & their organization into long complex molecules Function: Main energy source (quick energy) Consist of: Carbon (carbo-), Hydrogen and Oxygen (-hydrate, the atoms in wat...
F Add 500 to 1,000 more calories each day to current dietary intake, to allow the body to use protein already present in the diet for muscle growth and not be broken down to fuel activity. F Eat foods that are both high in carbohydrates and proteins like grilled chicken sandwiches, ...
Polymer Principles Four classes of macromolecules: Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids Polymers are made up of smaller parts called monomers. Polymers are formed through condensation reactions. Polymers are broken apart through a hydrolysis reaction. ...