This delicious recipe has been generously shared by one of our great cooks, Carina. She's always coming up with great recipes, and here we have a recipe for Caramel Cake Flan. It's a cross between a Leche / Flan / Egg Custard and a cake! The combination of evaporated milk and conde...
made from sweetened condensed milk in your crockpot! A truly simple and easy caramel sauce recipe made with just ONE ingredient, AKA dulce de leche...You are simply not going to believe how simple this caramel sauce recipe is! Granted it's not as simple as opening a bottle of store-boug...
I gave the above recipe a go last night using brown sugar (in a feeble attempt to make caramel corn “healthy”) and got AMAZING flavor but a somewhat chewy texture. Could this be due to the extra water in the brown sugar? I also live in a ridiculously hot and humid environment–would...