Standard Time Zone:GMT/UTC - 04:00 hour Daylight Saving Time:DST not applied Caracas. Map of location See other cities ofVenezuela View travel resources forCaracas DST- Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) GMT- Greenwich Mean Time UTC- Coordinated Universal Time ...
Country: VenezuelaLatitude: 10.5Longitude: -66.9166667Time zone: America/CaracasCurrent time zone offset: UTC/GMT -4 hoursThe current time and date in Caracas is 11:35 PM on Tuesday, October 29, 2024.Local map of CaracasRelated linksHotels near Caracas, Venezuela Airports near Caracas, Venezuela...
Historic, present and future dates for daylight saving time and clock changes. Time changes between years 2020 and 2029 in Venezuela – Caracas are shown here.
TheCaracas metrohas connections with other transportation systems that complement it, just as all its routes are connected at some station. The most important point is located in the Plaza Venezuela terminal on line 1, where it converges with lines 2, 3 and 4. In turn, in the same line, ...
Caracas,Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Architects:Incursiones,Will Sandy Design Studio Area of this architecture projectArea:6m² Completion year of this architecture projectYear:2019 Brands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers:Masisa,Maploca,Pavco,Venezolana de Pinturas ...
Minimum age of guests is: 1 year(s). About Cayena-Caracas Experience Luxury and Comfort at Cayena-Caracas in Caracas, Venezuela Welcome to Cayena-Caracas, a luxurious 5-star hotel located in the vibrant city of Caracas, Venezuela. With its impeccable service, elegant design, and prime location...
Map of Caracas Metro showing different lines and stations. Click on the map to enlarge it or download theCaracas Metro map in PDF format. Lines and Stations The metro system of Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, has a total of 52 stations spread over five lines, covering a total distance of ...
Metalock Venezuela is an accredited member of The Metalock International Association based in the UK, we specialize in the Metalock cold cast repairs additionally we provide a wide range of marine repair and maintenance services including welding, surveys, electrical, on site machining, radio and...
Damaged buildings are located on the same map. Fo decreases until 0.6Hz when alluvion thickness (H) increases. Fo values fit with frequencies previously predicted from computation and with 1967 earthquake observations. Moreover, interpolation surfaces show that amplification (Ao) of H/V on ...
Type: Village Category: locality Location: Lajas, Cienfuegos Province, Cuba, Caribbean, North America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude22.37819° or 22° 22' 42" north Longitude-80.28029° or 80° 16' 49" west Elevation105 metres (344 feet) Open Location Code76JX9PH9+7V OpenStreet...