Kunjungi Pusat Proteksi Malware Microsoft di:http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/. KlikPelajari tentang ancaman. Dalam kotakCari Ensiklopedia, ketik nama file dan klik tombol kaca pembesar. Jika file tercantum sebagai berbahaya: MulaiFile Explorer ...
Kata-kata Mode Aman muncul di sudut monitor Anda untuk mengidentifikasi mode Windows mana yang Anda gunakan. Sistem operasi Windows 10 Klik ikon [Mulai] pada bilah tugas(1), lalu pilih [Pengaturan](3). Pilih [Update & security](3). Pilih [Pemulihan](4), lalu klik [Mulai ulang se...
Artikel ini menjelaskan cara mengkonfigurasi RPC menggunakan kisaran port khusus dinamis dan cara membantu mengamankan Port dalam kisaran yang menggunakan protokol Internet security (IPsec) kebijakan. Secara asali, RPC menggu...
Update to Vuforia 6.0.117 (recommended by Vuforia and Google to close security loophole). Fix for autonomous 30 second timer bug (where timer was in effect, even though it appeared to have timed out). opModeIsActive changes to allow cleanup after op mode is stopped (with enforced 2 second...
/block https://twitter.com/username/status/1234567890?s=19 delete menfess & block user by attaching his menfess url /unfoll https://twitter.com/username/status/1234567890?s=19 delete menfess & unfoll user by attaching his menfess url /follow username1 username2 username-n For add_black...
To check for updates, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update and click Check for updates. Scan your computer for malware: Malware can often disguise itself as a legitimate clearcompressionflag.exe file and cause various problems, including high CPU usage, crashes, or errors. You...