"Red Team" Microsoft 365 dalam Microsoft terdiri dari spesialis penyusupan. Mereka mencari kesempatan untuk mendapatkan akses yang tidak sah. "Blue Team" terdiri dari teknisi pertahanan yang fokus pada pencegahan, deteksi, dan pemulihan. Mereka membangun teknologi respons dan deteksi...
You need your workforce to adapt and acquire new skills at the speed of change. We can help. Whether you need a project team to provide you with an end-to-end performance solution or an expert with specialized skills to supplement your internal capabilities, CARA has your back. ...
Describe team structures Completed on 8/25/2023 Badge Choose the right project Completed on 8/22/2023 Badge Introduction to DevOps Completed on 8/20/2023 Badge Discuss practices for responsible AI at Microsoft Completed on 6/16/2023 Badge Identify governing practices for responsibl...