Re: 1989 240SX: EGI relay clicking, car wont start...Electrical e ... (amolao) Quote Post by vancouverbc » Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:49 pm egi=electronic gas injection=efi=elec. fuel injection your fuel pump relay and aiv solenoid will click when you turn the key. relays and soleno...
7 Reasons Why A Car Won’t Start After Getting Gas The most common reason why a car won’t start after getting gas is that your EVAP purge control valve is stuck open. This will cause the fuel vapor to get pushed into the intake manifold. Other common causes are a bad battery, a cl...
There’s no click when you turn the key If the car will not start when you turn on the ignition, and there’s no sound of anything attempting to start, something electrical in the vehicle has failed, or the battery is completely dead. First, however, check that your gear lever ...
Mine will not clear the key symbol in position one, I need to move it back to position zero and press the unlock twice and then go to one (wait for the glow plugs and shift into neutral) then turn to position two to start it.It sounds like one of two basic things. The car won'...
What is wrong with my car if it wont turn over? If your vehicle won't start, it's usually caused by a dying or dead battery, loose or corroded connection cables, abad alternatoror an issue with the starter. It can be hard to determine if you're dealing with a battery or an altern...
I use the tray for a change holder and yesterday it opened on its own and now it wont stay closed. I cant seem to find any... read more » How many O2 sensors in Two O2 sensors. One if front of the cat and this one sets the fuel air mixture. The second O2 sensor is back...
If CarPlay isn’t working on your device, the first place that you should start is by checking to see whether you allow the feature when your device is locked or not. Here are the steps you should follow. Go toSettings > General. ...
Describe the non-start when warm in more detail. Does the car crank? It might be a vapor lock issue. Do you have an AC car? Have you checked the blower resistor? Is the turn signal flasher plugged in? It should be hiding under the dash on the driver's side...
duct tape wont work.Only when you have questions to ask before you start Car Video DVD. I hope they got you thinking, either:Reassured you that what your about to do is doable you posses the skills to take care of it; Helped you recognize this is out of your abilities it might be ...
Hello everyone. I have had some trouble with my car starting recently. This has only happened twice in cold weather so far. When I put my key in the ignition and turn it to start the engine, the fuel pump activates but the starter motor does nothing at a