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In India, under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988, having at least third-party insurance coverage for your car is legally required. This legal requirement ensures that you are financially responsible for any harm or damage you might cause to others while driving.PEOPLE... answers all your questions, with a one-stop solution for all the latest aftermarket car accessories home delivered without any hassle with our wide range of car accessories online in India. One place, where you will find all the products under one domain, also giving you the fac...
Loss due to naturally occurred disasters like fire, earthquakes comes under this category. Personal Cover This type gives security to the family in cases of the insured person's death. One can avail few lakhs in this insurance category. Theft Cover If the insured vehicle is stolen, this insura...
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Replacing your car's existing exhaust pipe with a new fancy one that produces a loud sound is illegal in India, according to rule 120 of the CMVA. This is because it causes more noise and air pollution. Moreover, such an exhaust pipe is unsuitable for undergoing the Pollution Under Contro...
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. So the vehicle needs to be insured for Ex-Showroom Cost and not on the cost after any dealer discount. e.g. Vehicle is 4 Lakhs and dealer has offered 1 Lakh discount to customer because he has exchanged an old vehicle for new one. Than in this case the IDV would be 4 Lakhs....