The process of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy [2] 参考文献: [1]引自 [2]引自 [3]引自生物谷:CAR-T的现状与...
CAR T Cell Therapy in Refractory Aggressive Lymphoma,FrederickL.Locke et al. 25(1):285-295,《Molecular Therapy》 [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Who Owns My Intellectural ...
相关研究结果于2021年9月28日在线发表在Journal of the National Cancer Institute期刊上,论文标题为“Epigenetic Profiling and Response to CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy in B-Cell Malignancies”。Esteller博士评论说,“CAR-T细胞疗法为之前所有的治疗方法都失败了的白血病和淋巴瘤患者带来了希望。...
这类细胞虽然不常被提到,但目前临床研究过继性T细胞技术(adoptiveTcell therapy,ACT)的时候,会涉及到CIK细胞。 那么问题来了,CIK细胞咋和T细胞扯上了关系呢?让小编给您慢慢道来吧! CIK细胞,全称是细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(Cytokine-induced killer cells),因此简称为CIK细胞,也被称为细胞因子激活杀伤细胞。CIK细胞是...
ACT:过继细胞疗法(adoptive cell therapy),指 将体外活化和扩增的自体或异体免疫效应细胞输注患者体内的治疗方法 。大意是取患者本人或他人的免疫细胞,经实验室改造和(或不改造)培养后输入患者体内,经过处理的免疫细胞在数量上和功能上的变化使其具有更强的治疗疾病(主要是肿瘤)的作用。
所以我们还在惊叹CAR-T细胞的神奇疗效的时候,早在2015年CAR-NK细胞就已经被提出,并开展了相关的战略合作。大家可能还有点一头雾水,这CAR-T都还没整明白呢,咋又冒出来了个CAR-NK?别急,咱们继续聊聊这个CAR家族的另一位成员。 我们之前介绍了CAR-T细胞(Chim...
相关研究结果于2021年9月28日在线发表在Journal of the National Cancer Institute期刊上,论文标题为“Epigenetic Profiling and Response to CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy in B-Cell Malignancies”。 Esteller博士评论说,“CAR-T细胞疗法为之前所有的治疗方法都失败了的白血病和淋巴瘤患者带来了希望。
"To ensure that a leukemia treatment works any CAR T-cell therapy must have a prolonged effect on the way that the body recognizes and removes cancer cells. In this study we tried to find the origin and nature of the T-cells that control these long-term responses." ...
"In order to have a successful allogeneic cell therapy, it is also critical that we identify the characteristics of an optimal allogeneic donor for CAR NK manufacturing. We were able to identify two key factors associated with cord blood units most likely to yield a positive clinical response an...