CAR-T(Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-CellImmunotherapy)是指嵌合抗原受体T细胞免疫疗法。这是一种近几年刚被改良使用到临床上的新型细胞疗法,被认为是最有前景的肿瘤治疗方法之一[1]。与其… Hepburn CAR-T苦旅 CAR-T细胞疗法是目前肿瘤细胞免疫治疗领域最热的研究方向之一,CAR-T在血液瘤上的成效让人们看到了它在实体...
周末愉快呀! 周六的早晨又“早早”的醒了,真实头大。 感觉不会再睡着了,躺着也只是天马行空的瞎想,索性就起床了,干点实实在在的事,那就先把小文章发了吧。 上一期分享下CAR-T cell结构等,本次分享CAR-T 细…
6.Jain T, Olson TS, Locke FL. How I treat cytopenias after CAR T-cell therapy. Blood. 2023;141(20):2460-9. 7.Jain T, Knezevic A, Pennisi M, Chen Y, Ruiz JD, Purdon TJ, et al. Hematopoietic recovery in pat...
of is CAR. I’m sure with the way technology is moving, we’ll be differentiating our skin cells. You’re going to need different stem cells, not your own, for certain diseases. It’s never going to disappear, in my opinion. And you know I believe very much in CAR T-cell therapy...
2月21日《Nature Medicine》披露的这项突破性研究“Multiomic profiling of T cell lymphoma after therapy with anti-BCMA CAR T cells and GPRC5D-directed bispecific antibody”,揭开了免疫治疗最隐秘的基因暗战——研究人员首次捕捉到经过基因改造的T细胞"黑化"全过程,这些本应精准猎杀癌细胞的"生物导弹",竟在...
“BCMA-directed CAR T-cell therapy has good activity in heavily pretreated patients with multiple myeloma, including patients with triple-class refractory disease,” said Usmani. “Cytokine release syndrome [CRS], neurotoxicity, and low blood counts are [common], but patients [typically]...
LOS ANGELES, April 23 (Xinhua) -- An advance in the breakthrough cancer treatment known as CAR T-cell therapy appears to eliminate its severe side effects, making the treatment safer and potentially available in outpatient settings, according to a new study of the University of Southern Californ...
while the CAR transgene was very low. The T cell clone was identified at low levels in the blood before CAR T infusion and in lung cancer. To assess the overall risk of secondary primary malignancy after commercial CAR T (CD19, BCMA), we analyzed 449 patients treated at the University ...
研究详见:异体GD2 CAR-T在治疗高危神经母细胞瘤中展现出希望 加拿大多伦多大学黄熹教授团队和贝勒医学院Michael D. Taylor教授团队在Developmental Cell上发表研究论文,该工作通过正向遗传筛选结合人类髓母细胞瘤转录组分析确定了电压门控钾通道KCNB2作为一个髓母细胞瘤的维持基因,可以通过控制肿瘤细胞内钾离子稳态、细胞膜...