Why Should A Patient Come To China? CAR-T cell therapy or Chimeric antigen receptorTcell therapyis a way to get immune cells called T cells (a type of white blood cell) to fight cancer by changing them in the lab so they can find and destroy cancer cells. It’s usually for the Refr...
Why Should A Patient Come To China? CAR-T cell therapy or Chimeric antigen receptorTcell therapyis a way to get immune cells called T cells (a type of white blood cell) to fight cancer by changing them in the lab so they can find and destroy cancer cells. It’s usually for the Refr...
如果您对目前的治疗不满意,想寻求CAR-T疗法帮助或参加相关的临床研究,可将近期病理报告、影像学检查、治疗经历等资料,提交至全球肿瘤医生网医学部(400-666-7998),进行初步评估或申请国外内抗癌专家会诊。 参考资料 [1]Tan Y,et al....
本期医脉通有幸邀请到华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院血液科梅恒教授,分享其在2024 EULAR年会上发表的最新研究——《An open-label, single arm, multicenter study to evaluate relmacabtagene autoleucel, the CD-19 directed CAR-T cell therapy, for active systemic lupus erythematosus in China》[1]。
1. Preliminary Clinical Data on Relma-Cel Injection in Adults with Active Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in China at the Eular 2024 Congress (http://prnewswire.com) 2. CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy in Autoimmune Disease — A Case Series with Follow-up | New England Journal of Medicine (http://ne...
[1]Zhang Yian, Li Yuhua, Hu Kai, et al. HR001, a novel CD19-targeted CAR-T cell therapy for patients with relapsed/ refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: primary results of a phase Ⅱ study (HRAIN01-NHL01-Ⅱ). 2024 AACR. Abstract CT244. ...
[1]Zhang Yian, Li Yuhua, Hu Kai, et al. HR001, a novel CD19-targeted CAR-T cell therapy for patients with relapsed/ refractory non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: primary results of a phase Ⅱ study (HRAIN01-NHL01-Ⅱ)....
研究团队采用了一种新型的自体四代CD19嵌合抗原受体T细胞(CAR-T)疗法,该疗法不仅具有精准的CD19靶向能力,还能同时分泌针对IL-6和TNF-α的抗体(CD19/aIL-6/aTNFα),从而更有效地治疗难治性RA。 截图来源:Cell Research 难治性RA治疗陷入瓶颈,CAR-T疗法能否成为“救命稻草”?
近期,据CDE官网公示,国内上市CAR-T免疫细胞疗法瑞基奥仑赛注射液(倍诺达®)获得临床试验默示许可,用于治疗中重度难治性系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)。 近两年,瑞基奥仑赛注射液已被国家药品监督管理局批准两项适应症,包括治疗经过二线或以上系统性治疗后成人患者的复发或难治性大B细胞淋巴瘤(r/r LBCL)以及治疗经过二线...
本文为中美CAR-T对比分析第一篇,在明天的推送中我们将继续发布第二篇,敬请关注~ 本文由上海细胞治疗集团研究院刘韬翻译,汪鹏整理,文章最终解释权和图片所有权归原作者所有。 原文献: The landscape of CAR T-cell therapy in the United States andChina: a comparative analysis热文推荐高清动图、小视频 —— ...