最重要, 使用它您可以免费获得整个app store中最多的功能! 支持所与obd2标准兼容的车辆(有关更多信息,请访问carscanner.info)! 仪表板模式可用作汽车挡风玻璃上的投影仪。免费获取以前仅适用于高档汽车的产品! 软件说明 app需要一个基于elm327芯片的obd2适配器才能运行。 每辆车的显示参数列表100%不同,与car sca...
12)Car Scanner 可以用作旅行计算机!此外,Car Scanner可以显示油耗统计数据! 13)最重要, 使用Car Scanner,您可以免费获得整个Google Play中最多的功能! 【注意事项】 每辆车的显示参数列表100%不同,与Car Scanner没有关,而与车辆控制单元有关。 Car Scanner 需要一个基于ELM327芯片的OBD2适配器才能运行。 支持通...
每辆车的显示参数列表100%不同,与Car Scanner没有关,而与车辆控制单元有关。 Car Scanner 需要一个基于ELM327芯片的OBD2适配器才能运行。 我们面临一些通常在中国制造的适配器不能连接到智能手机或汽车,一般与ELM327 便宜适配器2.1版本上发生。 此外这种适配器可能导致车辆故障,通信丢失以及从车辆接收数据的延迟。
Car Scanner ELM OBD2是免费的,但要解锁所有功能,需要一次性购买或订阅。 在任何情况下,本应用程序的开发者都不对由于使用和/或解释应用程序中的数据而引起的事件负责。 如有任何问题,您随时可以使用应用程序中的“设置”-“与开发人员联系”与开发人员联系,或仅发送电子邮件至wp_soft@outlook.com ...
Car Scanner ELM OBD2 is free but to unlock all the features, a one-time purchase or a subscription is required. Under no circumstances will the developer of this application be held responsible for incidents resulting from the use and/or interpretation of the data in the application. ...
MotorData OBD2 Car Scanner is a advanced diagnostic tool compatible with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or USB ELM327. The car scanner allows you to read and clear error codes from up to 25 electronic control units (ECUs), including the engine, transmission, ABS, SRS,
See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more! Car Scanner is a vehicle / car performance / trip computer / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapter to connect to
See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more! Car Scanner is a vehicle / car performance / trip computer / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapter to connect to
14) And one more thing - Car Scanner provides the widest variety of features for FREE across the App Store. The app requires a Wi-Fi or or Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth LE) OBD2 ELM327 compatible adapter (device) to work. ELM327 devices plugs into the diagnostics socket in the car ang give...
See what your car is doing in realtime, get OBD fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more! Car Scanner is a vehicle / car performance / trip computer / diagnostics tool and scanner that uses an OBD II Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapter to connect to