2023 (Q1): Worldwide new car sales increased in all major world markets except in China with growth in registrations the fastest in Europe.
Further down the leaderboard, theToyota RAV4into 9thwith 11,262 sales (+34.6%) and theRenault Clio-up 19 spots- ranked in 10th spot with 10,885 new registrations (+112%). Tables with sales figures In the tables below we report sales for top 20 models. ...
Global car sales fluctuated over the past years amid disruptions in the industry. In 2023, car sales worldwide grew past pre-pandemic levels.
At cruising speeds (say ~2k rpm), Octavia TDI might be making ~80bhp while City's NA would be making less than 50bhp (These numbers are approx values, you check their power torque graphs for exact figures). In essence, Octavia TDI has a lot more usable power in real-world driving co...
In 2023 the Austrian Auto Market registered 239,106 units, growing 11.2% from previous year. Tables with sales figures In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 models. This content is for members only. ...
2013 to 2023 Supplementary notes *Figures from 2010 to 2020 were taken from previous reports. The data only covers manufacturer sales to dealers, rather than end-user demand. Figures have been rounded to provide a better understanding of the statistics. ...
The combined sales report from theChamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines, Inc.(CAMPI) and theTruck Manufacturers Association(TMA) revealed that car sales for the first half of 2023 amounted to47,541 units, surpassing the figures from the previous year. ...
New Car Sales Figures Hint at Impact of VAT CutRead the full-text online article and more details about "New Car Sales Figures Hint at Impact of VAT Cut" by Sean O'Grady - The Independent (London, England), January 8, 2009By Sean O'Grady...
The price of the most famous electric vehicle brand in America is one element in the poor sales figures for electric cars. Tesla’s pricing clearly was an issue for most, and its price tag on new models confirms this. Many cannot afford to buy their vehicles, mainly because a large enough...
pressure on sales: the disruption in the global supply chain caused by a lack of raw materials, in particular for the production of microchips and Governments push towards Evs, an expensive alternative for low income consumers. Despite these factors, yearly figures totalled 134,490 sales (+27.7%...