One buyer-beware item to note here. While researching the car, I came acrossthis ad for the same car for sale in Ellicott City, Maryland. The Craigslist ad has the car listed in the Atlanta area. Please be careful with any internet purchases. Would this make a good, usable collectible f...
Two Bodies and a Car Found in Missing Craigslist Couple Case in Georgia, Police Say (Posted 2015-01-25 15:56:08)Holley, Peter
When you believe you are in the legal clear to sell the car, advertise it for sale. You can post an announcement on your social media channels, use sites like Craigslist or car-selling/buying sites, take it to a car dealership or use an auction house. To get the highest value for it...
Craigslist is not only the used-car capital of the United States, it’s also one of the largest resale marketplaces for nearly everything else. Craigslist has become what the classified section of the newspaper used to be, only better. It’s a free market that is portable and can be rea...
These apps include Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace and eBay Motors. Many private sellers will turn to these platforms when they’re trying to sell their vehicle locally and quickly, so it’s possible to find a great deal. However, be wary of scammers and make sure you ask all the questio...
Selling your junk car online can also be safer than selling through Craigslist, classifieds, or a junk yard in your area. When you sell in person, there is always the risk of meeting with a stranger who may have malicious intentions. With online methods, you can communicate with potential ...
Even though I'm in NJ outside of New York City and David is in Georgia, he was able to walk me through the process of selling my car within 72 hours, all within my accelerated timeline and at a price I was happy with. I recommend using CarbuyerUSA to sell your vehicle. ...
Police: Two Bodies and a Car Found in Missing Craigslist Couple Case in Georgia (Posted 2015-01-25 15:56:08)Holley, Peter