The instant cult-classic, directed by Monte Hellman, depicts the two drifters on a cross-country trek, heading east from the West coast. The boys’ journey is punctuated by intermittent drag races and existential angst. The Driver (Taylor) and The Mechanic (Wilson) meet GTO, a dude named a...
The instant cult-classic, directed by Monte Hellman, depicts the two drifters on a cross-country trek, heading east from the West coast. The boys’ journey is punctuated by intermittent drag races and existential angst. The Driver (Taylor) and The Mechanic (Wilson) meet GTO, a dude named a...
By clicking ‘Accept’, you give your consent for all these purposes. You can also choose to specify the purposes you consent to by ticking the checkbox next to the purpose and clicking ‘Save settings’. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the small icon at the bottom ...
“With three races left on the 2024 calendar, the team is focused on maintaining the level of performance and execution that we have displayed to date. The competition is still fierce, and our competitors are pushing us. After a well-deserved summer break, we’re excited to get back to ...
PA-home of the famous Hershey's Chocolate-the sweetest part of the Elegance weekend lies in the races, the gorgeous galas and auctions, and, of course, theConcours d'Eleganceitself, where pristine classics form a line of timeless automotive splendor. (There's still plenty of time to enjoy ...
November 27, 2023 The two Florida sprint car racing series, the BG Products Southern Sprint Car Series, which races on pavement, and the Top Gun Sprint Series, a dirt-only series, both conclude their seasons over the next two weekends. The Southern Sprint Cars conclude their year at their...
Races will continue into September and October, with the season finale set for November 15 with the Sprint Showdown. The TBA dates are scheduled for August 17, September 21, and October 26. “We couldn’t have achieved this success without the support of our fans,” Gouse added. “Their...
Racing excitement and competition are at the top. Developing cars and showing off on racetracks are on the top. Teasing opponents and breathtaking races are on…
There is a solid community of racers who participate in PBeM games and live games hosted on STEAM using TTS (Tabletop Simulator) as well as the tournament races held at several conventions. And lots of tracks are available in printable formats at no charge. It even includes the ability to ...
March's 1973 Formula Atlantic car, the March 73B, was based on the Formula 2 732 and was marketed in the US as a 732. It sold in large numbers and won races in both the British and Canadian series.The 73B differed from the previous Formula Atlantic/Formula B model, the March 722, ...