The instant cult-classic, directed by Monte Hellman, depicts the two drifters on a cross-country trek, heading east from the West coast. The boys’ journey is punctuated by intermittent drag races and existential angst. The Driver (Taylor) and The Mechanic (Wilson) meet GTO, a dude named a...
The Diablo GTR was a factory-made racing special, designed for the Diablo Supertrophy one-make race series. Following the standard procedures of more power and less weight, the GTR was based on the Diablo GT supercar and was entered into numerous Australian races, finishing 8th at Bathurst in...
Since then, watches have become more and more specialized and have reached almost everywhere, from the depths of the waters, where they were used by divers to know how long they were submerged, up to the height of the sky, by airplane pilots or during car races. This is one of the ...
March's 1973 Formula Atlantic car, the March 73B, was based on the Formula 2 732 and was marketed in the US as a 732. It sold in large numbers and won races in both the British and Canadian series.The 73B differed from the previous Formula Atlantic/Formula B model, the March 722, ...
races weren’t for me. However, when GT6 was released, to the surprise of many, the longest endurance races were only 24 minutes in length, and were set up to simulate a 24 hour races. While this was good news for those that weren’t a fan of longer races, but still wanted 100% ...
Honestly, the chances of them happening are pretty slim. I say that very very quietly sotto voce…as it were as I don’t want to jinx anything. However, from what I’ve seen so far with the cooler temperatures and cooler waters attributable to the La Nina weather patterns, there really...
You have to think what is happening with the cameras while you are announcing. That’s the big thing if you want it to look and sound good.” “The way I do it is the camera follows me, but that is not true for every announcer. Rob Klepper likes to work out of the production ...
You know spring is here when the first car show happens in Central New York. Pile in the car, it is happening this weekend.
The event – although only attended in the morning – was a monumental historic experience that represents the culmination of many years in the making. It does appear that a major shift is happening in Los Angeles that may change everything. If Portland and Minneapolis can do it – why can...
Between races, Caleb, who was at Lincoln Park, texted Thad. “Cosmo just had a bad one. Flipped all the way down the backstretch. Out of the car. Was a little shaky.” Thad answered, “Keep me posted.” He considered the situation. Bad wrecks were what happened to other people until...