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AmeriFreight was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Peachtree City, Georgia and is a broker/carrier with the ability to ship cars using their equipment or another company’s when needed. The company has an “A+” rating from the Better Business Bureau, and 96 percent of the BBB review...
Strangeexperiencenomywayhome AninterestingthinghappenedtomelastSunday.ItwassuchabeautifuldaythatIdecidedtodriveinthecountry. Onmywayhome,mycarstopped.Iwasoutofgasolineonaroadawayfromatown.IdecidedtowalkalongtheroaduntilIfoundsomeonewhocouldsellmesomegasoline. IhadwalkedalmostamilebeforeIfinallyfoundabighousenear...
2021, 2022 and 2023 were still nowhere near normal. That suggests that car insurance companies could be hurting in the coming year. On the other hand, the drop in miles driven suggests that claims may have been fewer, and 2020 was really the year when a lot of new cars started showing ...
How should you be driving in bad weather? There are many types of road conditions, and how you react to one condition isn’t necessarily the way you should react to another condition. There’s a lot of information and you could spend hours researching, but we put those hours in for you...
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CarMax is a great place to work for. There’s already set appointments for people coming in to express their interest in the cars. They also offer easy going in house financing that makes the process a lot more smooth and help customers get approved for vehicles. ...
We have 3 vans in the mix today. I think there are 9 this morning between ours and some other fleets. We are all headed towards a spot called Punta Arenas about an about 60 minutes from La Paz. In the dark of the Baja desert, it seems a lot longer. It’s where we launch our ...
In my opinion, if this is the car you are looking for, it makes a lot of sense to buy used and save 17% of the cost of the car. It’s the latest model of the Audi A3, so you’re not even getting an older model. In my mind, it would be very hard for me to justify buyin...
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