Getting far enough ahead to pay cash for your next car can seem impossible. Consider taking out a loan for minimalist basic transportation from all the major credit unions (NavyFed, PenFed, Alliant CU) as well as your local credit union. It’ll work at used car dealerships and even on a...
Navy patrol South China Sea is... Trending across China Business / Motoring News China reports another H10N8 ca... Xi, Obama likely to meet on th... Battle between taxi app Didi a... Trending across China Op-Ed: Into an abyss of disgra... Baidu prepares to enter film i... Liais...
Wolf Richter – of course I want to know, I’ve been an electrician for forty five years, but other than landing craft for the United States Navy everything I’ve wired hasn’t moved (normally). This is fascinating technology in a nascent phase. I can...
The main American naval forces were shifted to the Pacific region and an American admiral made a strong declaration to the effect that if war were to break out between Japan and the United States, the Japanese navy could be sunk in a matter of weeks. —Hideki Tojo 83 Cinco de Mayo has ...
Believe it or not, at least one person attempted to name their child “Usnavy” in the past few years, prompting the local government to formally ban the name. One can’t help but wonder if the parents were inspired by the name of the lead character in Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony-winni...
My folks were ok with me getting it, and since my cousin and his dad were known for being totally anal about taking care of their cars, that it would be in near showroom condition, and it was in 1973 when he was going into the Navy, and had to sell it. But he “forgot” I ...
The first thing to understand about home lenders is that many of the companies that advertise mortgage loans are not really lenders. They are brokers. The money is not coming from them -- it is coming from a lender (to whom the broker takes the loan)...