You also have complete control over how you improve your car or, for instance, modify its appearance. If you financed its purchase, once that loan is paid off, you can keep it until it dies, trade it in, sell it outright, or give it to a family member. You get to decide. Potential...
Even if the borrower decided to invest his average auto loan monthly payment of $503 in the S&P 500 for 68 months, he would probably have over $40,000 invested given 68 X $503 = $34,204. Is there any wonder why those who are frugal or followmy 1/10th rule for car buyingend up ...
Significantly for the cash-strapped homeowner, the money usually doesn’t have to be paid back until the term of the loan expires or the borrower sells the house and moves out. If the homeowner dies, the money is repaid by the estate. An estimated 10,000 to 20,000 reverse-mortgage loan...