In short, Anthony gave used car salesmen a good name.But he was no match for Lauren when it came to negotiating the price, which he lowered to what she said she could afford and not a penny more.So now, at 25, which is half the age I was when I cleaned up my act, Lauren has...
No pressure or greasy used car salesmen. We offer an instant quote for your used car, allowing you to sell it fast. Sell a Car schedule a pick up FREE same-day pickup in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. You’ll get paid on the spot. Instant Quote Get Paid Ou...
Boost your communication with consumers and increase your leads by adding the power of texting to your dealership's website. Todays automotive consumers... Read more Widget Management For those of you who are not familiar with the term a widget, it is a small application with limited functio...
Dave VanderWerp has spent more than 20 years in the automotive industry, in varied roles from engineering to product consulting, and he now leads Car and Driver's vehicle-testing efforts. Dave got his very lucky start at C/D by happening to submit an unsolicited résumé at just the right...
The Sprinter is a van that provides an exceptionally versatile transportation solution. The style of the vehicle is boxy. This makes it ideal for carrying products or any type of cargo. Salesmen or delivery drivers love the Sprinter because they can transport their wares while making the most us...
Santa Lucia is detached from the island of Cayo Sabinal due to the La Boca canal, a slim sea estuary which leads into the larger Bahia de Nuevitas (Nuevitas Bay). Seen using satellite imagery, Playa Santa Lucia would have been an island had the lowlands between the aforementioned Bahia ...
--Under the leads of Manager, Training Department, I engaged in promoting and saling life insurance. And took charge of training some salesmen. Also, I organize some publicizing work. It was a benificial experience for me, I not only learnt the theory of changing failure into success, but ...
Dave VanderWerp has spent more than 20 years in the automotive industry, in varied roles from engineering to product consulting, and he now leads Car and Driver's vehicle-testing efforts. Dave got his very lucky start at C/D by happening to submit an unsolicited résumé at just the right...