Where a single fuse protects a number of circuits and keeps blowing, each circuit must be checked individually to discover which one is faulty. To find the faulty one,fita sound fuse while all the relevant components areswitched off. Now switch them on one at a time - the circuit with the...
The ignition fuse on my car keeps blowing...replaced ignition module...coil...spark plug wires and still same problem...does anybody have any ideas... eagleakaace Member Posts: 1 April 2011 The first and second stages do not work on the the fan, stage three and four work fine....
The easiest way to check for a drain is to disconnect a battery cable and check for current flow. If you use a multimeter for this purpose, it’s very important to use the highest possible amperage setting. Doing otherwise runs the risk of blowing an expensive fuse inside your meter. Some...
On older Cadillacs, a few years older than yours, there are known failures where the blower usually just keeps blowing after the car is shut down. This is usually the blower control/controller unit, which, I think, sits on top of the AC/Heater exchanger unit under the passenger side of ...
But if you’ve replaced the fuse for your taillights three times and it keeps blowing, chances are there’s a short circuit you need to find and fix before you keep wasting fuses. Protecting Your Devices with Fuses Although the car has its own set of fuses, you may add devices that ...
When you press the AC button, it activates the air conditioning system, which cools down the air before blowing it into the cabin. The AC system works by removing heat and moisture from the air through a process called refrigeration. This process involves a compressor, condenser, evaporator, ...
Defective switches and faulty wiring are common causes for fuses blowing, but any kind of mechanical issue with a motor or an electrically motivated moving part can be a culprit. For instance, a windshield wiper stuck under ice can force the motor to short out. In this case, the blown ...
Doing otherwise runs the risk of blowing an expensive fuse inside your meter. Some meters also include an inductive clamp that can check for current flow without disconnecting anything. You can also check for a drain with a test light, which is less precise. ...
The right side headlamp fuse keeps blowing even when the bulbis unplugged. Anyone have any idea/experience where my problem might be? No skinned wires that I can see near the plug.HELP! :mad: switchfixer Member Posts: 21 October 2007 Hello what year, make and model?Switchfixer lil...
fuse that keeps blowing and shuting down the car any ideas??? ttesch Member Posts: 2 December 2007 I have a 97 maxima se 5 speed i battery light has been coming on for like a month now but when you run the rpms above 3000 the light goes off. i hooked a voltmeter up to this...