Auto Industry Safety and What CFR is Doing to Keep You Safe Due to social distancing, most auction events are now being held online only, and private sales are increasing. In fact, collector cars are at their lowest price since November 2019. Read thismarket assessment from Hagerty. You foun...
POLANDCOVID-19 pandemicCAR sharingUSED car sales & pricesThe number of cars on Polish roads is increasing year by year. Currently, Poland is in second place in Europe in terms of the number of cars per 1000 inhabitants [1]. This causes problems in finding a...
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in almost every insurance company offering some kind of rebate or discount on their services. Mostly, these rebates were automatic. You either got a check in the mail, or had a discount applied to upcoming months, but if you didn’t see any kind of red...
Is National open during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak? Yes. National Car Rental is an essential services provider that remains open to meet critical transportation, personal and business mobility needs. What are National’s hours of operation during the Coronavirus outbreak? Find your nearest...
Less traffic on the roads during the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK led to a reduction in air pollution but may have caused potentially damaging surface ozone levels to rise, according to a new study led by researchers at the University of York. The open-access study, published in the...
The trouble started when COVID-19 hit. Factory closures reduced the global supply of cars and car parts, which started off a chain reaction. The limited supply of new cars led to a spike of car thefts in Ontario and Quebec. This caused insurance companies to raise premiums for customers be...
Car insurance costs spiked by 15% in 2024, driven by inflation, complex vehicle repairs, and growing climate risks.
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Video about Car disinfection. Covid-19 protection. man disinfect car from viruses. Video of contamination, health, protect - 186545697
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed our lives. Our daily routines, jobs and tasks have been disrupted since the pandemic started, not only in the UK but also across the whole world. While the lockdown is still ongoing, our thoughts have turned to how we can keep you safe and prevent...