so you pay less income tax and National Insurance, and you get a shiny new company car. Bear in mind, though, that the car is still deemed to be a benefit by HMRC, so you'll still pay tax on it.
The side pockets, for instance, are secured with robust elastic bands equipped with tensioners, allowing you to customize the pocket and its cargo to a tight fit. The fasteners that hold the collapsed organizers together are made of high-density plastic, forming an ergonomic hook-and-clip desig...
As enthusiastic motorists, people in the UK can spend endless amounts of money on making sure their vehicles are secure and safe from thieves; alarm systems, garages, wheel locks, hand brake locks, expensive insurance more... How to Transfer a Private Number Plate01-Jul-2014 You may have...
An ‘income decile’ refers to the income bands used to calculate eligibility for the scheme, and is based on the last taxable income declared on the household’s collective income tax return. This reduces the maximum possible amount payable, for households with a reference tax income ...
In taking out an insurance policy one pays for it in dollars and cents, always at liberty to discontinue payments. If, how ever, woman’s premium is a husband, she pays for it with her name, her privacy, her self-respect, her very life, “until death doth part.” Moreover, the ...
If you don’t have insurance, you cannot afford to travel:Many consider insurance to be a fickle matter – the truth, however, couldn’t be farther than that. Health issues and calamities happen all the time, be it to you personally or in your destination at large. Having an insurance ...