The recombinant plasmids pCCAR1-MS2, pEmpty-MS2, and pMS2-GST were constructed by GenePharma. HCCLM3 cells were plated overnight and then cotransfected with pCCAR1-MS2 vector or pEmpty-MS2 and pMS2-GST for 48 h of incubation. After collection and quantification of proteins in cells, 500...
To confirm this, a peptide pull-down assay was performed using GST fusion of full-length TRIM29, as well as fusions of the C-terminal domain only, and a fusion of TRIM29 without its C-terminus (Fig. 2d). Clearly, the C-terminal domain specifically interacts directly with methylated NFIB...
(d) GST–CtIP was used as bait for pull-down experiments from whole-cell extracts using cells expressing GFP, GFP-CCAR2 full-length or three deletion mutants of CCAR2, as indicated. Western blots with an anti-GFP antibody using inputs (left) and pull-downs (right) are shown. The ...
GST invoice available ? See other sellers Description It is a common practice for car owners to upgrade their car’s sound system unit. After all, the music system forms one of the most critical components of a vehicle, particularly for people that do a lot o...
The letter claimed that the GST would “encourage offshore gambling operators, drive Indian users to them, and ultimately lead to neither optimal tax collection nor the growth of the legitimate industry.” Lawyer Abhishek Malhotra, Managing Partner at TMT Law Practice, had previously called the tax...
Advanced PlacementAP Accounts ReceivableAR AccreditedACRD AccrualACRL Accumulated*ACCUM* Accumulation AccumulativeACUM Achieve AchievementACHV Acquisition*ACQ* Act Active Activity American College TestACT Action*ACTN* ActualACTL Add AddedADD Additional*ADDL* ...
A similar result was obtained when the His-tag was replaced with glutathione S-transferase (GST), excluding possible effects of the fusion tag binding (Supplementary Fig. 3). Together, these findings strongly indicate that the N-terminal EVH1 domain of CARM1 can directly interact with CARM1 ...
GST-pulldown assay was conducted to determine whether the methylation of Pontin affects the binding of Pontin to Reptin. GST-pulldown assay revealed that Pontin and Reptin were bound regardless of the methylation status of Pontin (Supplementary Fig.1f). In addition, the binding to Reptin was not...
LncHIFCAR RNA were pulled down by GST-fusion proteins pre-bound on glutathione-Sepharose beads, followed by qRT–PCR detection of LncHIFCAR RNA retrieved as presented as percentage relative to input RNA. bHLH, basic helix–loop–helix; PAS, Per-ARNT-Sim; TAD, transactivation domain. (h) ...