When getting a new auto loan, make sure you line up your financing before you visit a dealership. Once you have your financing in place, you give yourself an advantage when working with dealerships or sellers. Let's face it, even people with bad credit need a car to drive. If you can...
Now, can you get a car from a dealer with bad credit? You can, but you'll have to go to certain car dealerships. You won't go to the car lots you see up and down the major roads. Borrowers with good or great credit can go to those dealerships. If you have bad credit, you'...
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Car dealerships in the state of Fairview have prospered over the term of the current governor: sales are up by 10 percent relative to four years ago. Nevertheless, car manufacturers have found that the proportion of credit they have extended to dealerships that was paid off on time, despite ...
Bad credit loans are offered by banks, credit unions, online lenders and dealerships. Shop around to find the best deal on an auto loan for your budget and credit score. If approved, an auto loan can help improve your credit — provided you keep up with the loan and make on-time payme...
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A certain group of car dealerships agreed to donate X dollars to a Red Cross chapter for each car sold during a 30-day period. What was the total amount that was expected to be donated? (1 ) A total of 500 cars were expected to be sold. (2) 60 more car
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