As a new and used car dealer Koehne Chevrolet GMC is your best source for quality pre-owned vehicles. Call us at (715) 735-7483 to see if the used vehicle you're interested in is still in stock, and if so, come see it in person at W. 1760 US Hwy 41 in Marinette, just a sho...
Water Works Car Wash in Marinette, Wisconsin guarantees a reliable wash your car deserves - every time with free vacuums.
A rich assemblage of various marine taxa from the lower Carnian Polzberg Konservat-Lagersttte near Lunz am See (Northern Calcareous Alps, Lower Austria) is described for the first time in detail. The fossiliferous layers were deposited during the Julian 2 Ib (Austrotrachyceras austriacum Zone...